Smells like the perfect bride: find your signature fragrance.

“It’s what drives the entire wedding perception during and past the celebration, because it sticks so well to memories”: we are talking about fragrances and perfumes. Have you already thought about what fragrance you should choose for your most special day? We are here to guide you with the precious tips of a real expert: Giordano, master perfumer of “Differenze Luxus Parfums”.
First of all “you have to search for what gets you the best vibes: jasmine, rose, the sea scent brought by the wind… This is the way you identify the first ingredient, the one that lets you feel most excited and comfortable, and here you go adding the others along”, says Giordano. For the bride’s world, you may want to prefer white flowers: “Lately, roses are back in fashion – he explains – especially the Italian May rose. It’s extremely fresh and very difficult to find and grow. I personally think it is the most beautiful flower and we use the blossoms in our laboratory.
Every bride should pay special attention to her bouquet: “That’s the element that will be most remembered and connected to the wedding act. It’s what specifically gives a mystical look at the sacred walk in the church, like when the brides walks to reach the husband in front of the altar. In this special and very intense moment, the bride has to carry the type of flower that matches her personality, and it must be reinforced by her perfume – Giordano says – “There’s a really close connection between the bouquet and the perfume that the bride chooses to wear”.
Also the groom-to-be should have his own distinctive fragrance on the wedding day. He would better choose something that is not too strong or invasive, or that it doesn’t exceed and cover the bride’s one”. Giordano adds: “it must be something that gives the idea of this sacred waiting: when the two fragrances match each other and reunite, this is the full act of love coming to life”.
Giordano enacts his personal love for his profession, too: “We create fragrances that convey the willingness to give an emotion as a true, invisible gift. To do so we need all the passion and the whole-heartedness that we are capable of. It’s a deep work of research, and the time we use to carry it is so priceless”.