Safari or cruise? What to expect

Honeymoon 8 Feb 2019
Safari or cruise? What to expect

Everything is ready for the wedding, there is only one thing you still haven’t decided: your honeymoon destination. Let’s narrow it down to two amazing alternatives, both very romantic and both great to strike a balance between relax and adventure.

If you and your future husband are into endless landscapes and sundowns, Africa will mesmerize you. Find a good tour operator to recommend you the most romantic staying, other than plan your safari. Yes, you will meet lions and zebras, it’s exciting. You will enjoy the silence of the savannah when the sun rises up and when it goes down. A couple of honeymoon top destinations including safari? Masai Mara National Park, Kenya, and Kruger National Park, South Africa. Expect mosquitos and get in advance all infos about vaccinations eventually needed.

If you are looking for some relax but you also want to enjoy some outdoor activities, cruises offer both. Choose an itinerary that you fall in love with and a ship that is specialized in assuring all the comfort and privacy to newlyweds. You will be able to visit more than one place of your dreams and get all the relaxing moments with your partner on a sort of floating luxury hotel. If you get seasick, consider to chew raw ginger: it’s a natural remedy against nausea.

In any case, once you know where your preference goes to, plan everything in advance. Either safari or cruise, choose the best package: honeymoon is once in a lifetime. You will definitely travel again together, but this one is going to be the first trip you do as a married couple and it will be unforgettable.