How to be a lighthearted bride

Inspirational 5 Jul 2019
How to be a lighthearted bride

There is so much to do when you get married: invitations, flowers, venue… everything is planned in advance. Sometimes the risk related to all this fuss is losing the perception of what is really going on: making vows to one another.

Any wedding theme will be perfect as long as it matches with your taste, but you should also focus on yourself. The bride is the main character, everybody will look at you (and, let’s be honest, at your dress!). No pressure, there is one and only secret to enjoy this at your best.

Be spontaneous. No matter the wedding theme and your style, marriage is something that little girls dream about. You are a strong, independent, free-spirited woman, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot have childish dreams. It’s healthy.

Go back to childhood then, melt with nature, play, smile, dance! Not only it is fun, it’s trendy too: Elisabetta Polignano included many elements in her 2020 Collections that make the bride feel like a little girl again. Flower petals, puffy bows, plumetis… just to mention a few. Stay tuned, we will tell you more soon!